Graduating from high school is a significant accomplishment and a major milestone in a person's life. Having a graduation photo serves as a lasting reminder of this achievement and can be a source of pride and motivation for the graduate, and a memory for their family.

Family Portraits will be taken only if a time and package are pre-purchased. Pending weather we will be taking photos at the outdoor classroom. If the weather doesn't cooperate photos will be in the old gym with a professional background. Please make sure you arrive 5 minutes early and be courteous to the photographer and others. We want to ensure we get the best possible shots for each family. Please refrain from taking portraits behind the photographer and minimize any distractions. After the photographer is done, you are welcome to take portraits at another location so they can move to the next family.

All seniors will have their portrait taken of them receiving their diplomas. Pre-order today to save 25%.

Thanks so much for your cooperation and congrats to the 2024 graduates!



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As a reminder for families, please make sure your family arrives 5 minutes early and is ready for their portrait. 


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